regular as clockwork การใช้
- But they called back the next year, regular as clockwork.
- Midnight has come regular as clockwork ever since he wrote those doofus words.
- These socks are regular as clockwork . . ?????? 05 : 39, 8 May 2014 ( UTC)
- There were, as an example, lunches at the Athenian restaurant every Wednesday at 11 : 30, regular as clockwork.
- Well, here they are, right on schedule, regular as clockwork, making hay in the playoffs every 18 years.
- From 1978 to 1986, Massey's sold 6, 000 steaks each week, " just regular as clockwork,"
- They were the mainstay of Denver International Airport, the ones the waitresses and bartenders all knew by name as they passed through once or twice a week, regular as clockwork.
- Regular as clockwork, the priest ( Leyden ) shows up for his nightly game of checkers, while Gareth's girlfriend ( Miriam Healy-Louie ) actually gets away from him twice.
- Like every parent in Israel, Yoram Wexler gets an allowance, regular as clockwork, that on the 15th of every month enriches his bank account by $ 43 for each of his two children.
- Over the next four years, Chang built his fleet up to 12 vessels, running them empty when necessary to convince his customers his services were both as regular as clockwork and as reliable as the sunset.
- Changes in ABRI's leadership may be as regular as clockwork, but given the military's powerful influence and its role in politics and in government, a reshuffle at the top always has great bearing and significance for the country.
- He tried other plays but " The Three Musketeers " and " Julius Caesar " met with indifferent response, and O'Neill was forced to return to " Monte Cristo " in order to recoup the losses sustained in " artistic successes " . " Monte Cristo " remained a popular favorite and would continue to make its appearance on tour as regular as clockwork.